Elasticsearch is not functioning properly¶
When Elasticsearch or Kibana are not working, there can be a number of potential causes. The following checks, conducted with Elasticsearch’s REST API mostly via NetEye’s es_curl script, can help you diagnose the problem.
The first thing to do is to make sure that the cluster is running properly overall. You can do this by checking that the output of this command contains status: green::
# /usr/share/neteye/elasticsearch/scripts/es_curl.sh -X GET "https://elasticsearch.neteyelocal:9200/_cluster/health" | jq .
If there is a problem with the connection between cluster nodes (e.g., network or certificate issues), they will not be able to carry out tasks that require communication. This command lists all those cluster nodes that have joined the Elasticsearch cluster. All of the cluster nodes should be included in the list.
# /usr/share/neteye/elasticsearch/scripts/es_curl.sh -X GET "https://elasticsearch.neteyelocal:9200/_cat/nodes?v"
When a cluster is not working well, often the cause is an index in poor health (i.e., one marked with a “yellow” or “red” status, derived from the worst status of the index’s shards). In this case, there is a real risk of losing data if something goes wrong. You can find exactly which indices are problematic with this command:
# /usr/share/neteye/elasticsearch/scripts/es_curl.sh -s -X GET "https://elasticsearch.neteyelocal:9200/_cat/indices?v"
Shards contain the actual data in an Elasticsearch cluster, and can be relocated to or replicated in different cluster nodes. Like indices, the existence of problematic shards can be an important reason why a cluster is not working properly. You can check the status using the following command. Since there may be a large number of shards, you can find filtering and sorting options in the Elastisearch documentation.
# /usr/share/neteye/elasticsearch/scripts/es_curl.sh -X GET "https://elasticsearch.neteyelocal:9200/_cat/shards?v"
Finally, the cluster may be in perfect health, but you may not be able to visualize any data because the Kibana module is down. You can check it is properly functioning by checking that the node with id marked “plugin:kibana” has state: green in the output of this command:
# curl -X GET "http://kibana.neteyelocal:5601/api/status" | jq -r '.status.statuses[]'