User Guide

Icinga2 no longer starts (icinga2-master service)

The Icinga2 API port is busy

There may be another service that is using the Icinga2 API port (the default is the 5665). By running the following command you check if this is the case. If icinga2-master is stopped, then the following command should return 0 rows, otherwise the port is busy and thus icinga2-master cannot start:

netstat -tulpn | grep 5665

Deleting the Director configuration

You can remove the entire current Director configuration with these commands:

rm -rf /neteye/shared/icinga2/data/lib/icinga2/api/packages/director
systemctl restart icinga2-master

The next step should be to use the Director GUI to solve any problems you have in Director. Afterwards, you must remember to redeploy the Director configuration.

Pending deployment blocking icinga2 restart

Icinga 2 (including Icinga Director deployments) can not restart if for any reason there is another restart PENDING, i.e., ongoing or stuck, which in some corner case may result in Icinga 2 restarts being blocked. Should you encounter such unfortunate situation, you can manually unblock new restarts by issuing the following command, which will set the status of all PENDING restarts to OBSOLETE (i.e., restarts that are outdated):

neteye# icingacli director icinga2restart resetlock